Brooklyn Perry

Works better

Thank you, I love this product! I have not had to take metformin for a year because it works better!!

Ray Webb

Blood sugar came down

After one cap last night after a meal, my blood sugar came down.

Elizabeth Mitchell

Lowered my blood sugar levels without any ill effects

I suffer from PCOS and Metformin made me ill. Berberine has lowered my blood sugar levels without any ill effects.

What’s The Mysterious Berberine Plant?

Berberine, also known as the Insulin Herb, is a natural herb found in plants such as European Barberry, Goldenseal, Goldthread, Oregon Grape, Philodendron, and Tree Turmeric.

It belongs to a class of compounds called alkaloids, but more importantly:

It’s been used for four centuries in Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to naturally reduce blood sugar levels.²

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, for example, the Insulin Herb is considered the most effective treatment for high blood sugar level because of its ability to mimic insulin, reduce glucose, and quickly burn away sugar as energy.

Similarly you’ll find a common story in Ayurveda where this powerful herb is often extracted from the tree turmeric in the Himalayas. Once extracted, it’s used to treat people with high blood sugar levels because “The Insulin Herb is known to have a natural glucose lowering effectas outlined in the Ayurveda. ³

But does the Insulin Herb Berberine actually work for Americans?

This is the same question scientists in both the East and West asked themselves after hearing about the amazing power of Berberine.

And for good reason…

Much of what comes out of TCM and Ayurveda is proven to be nothing more than pseudoscience when put under a clinical trial. And naturally that’s what scientists expected with the Insulin Herb Berberine...

So In 2006, Skeptical Scientists From Sydney’s Garvan Institute Conducted The First Clinical Trial On Berberine…

This study was designed to simply answer one question:

“Does the Insulin Herb Berberine help lower blood sugar levels?”

To conduct this study, animals with diabetes were given Berberine.

Then their blood sugar levels were measured.

The results of the test?

Scientists were left pleasantly shocked as they watched the Insulin Herb Berberine not only lower blood sugar levels, but also torch away fat! ⁴

Of course this was no surprise to those familiar with TCM or Ayurveda, but for scientists? This was a BIG deal. Especially since prior to this, no natural supplement had ever been proven to naturally lower blood sugar levels.

Naturally excited, the scientists made the BIG breakthrough public and let the world know that there was now scientific evidence backing the power of Berberine.

Based on the results of their tests, they expressed the conclusion that there was now official scientific evidence to back up Berberine’s effectiveness at naturally balancing blood sugar levels.

But Is Berberine Really Effective At Lowering Blood Sugar Levels… Or Did The Scientists
Just Get Lucky?

After completing the first clinical trial, the head of the Garvan’s Diabetes & Obesity Research Program was confident in Berberine, but still urged more clinical trials to be done to confirm their results...

Berberine has been used for decades, if not centuries, with few reported side effects. Given the limitations of existing medicines we are excited to have evidence that berberine may be a helpful new treatment for high blood sugar; however, despite its widespread use in traditional medicine practices, it will still have to be evaluated properly following the defined clinical trials process.

- Professor James, Head of the Garvan’s Diabetes & Obesity Research Program

So shortly after the above study was published in Diabetes Journal, scientists from all over the world set out to do more clinical trials on the effectiveness of Berberine.

And that’s what they did with one study after the next:

With the first being “Traditional Chinese Medicine in Treatment of Metabolic Syndrome” which confirmed the Insulin Herb does in fact increase insulin sensitivity, lower blood sugar levels, and even helps reduce weight gain.⁵

And the next published in Metabolism which also confirmed the Insulin Herb berberine does not only lower blood glucose levels, but also blood sugar, triglycerides, and insulin in people with Impaired Glucose Tolerance.⁶

And the next published in 2008 titled ‘Efficacy of berberine in patients with Impaired Glucose Tolerance’ which also confirmed Berberine reduces fasting and postprandial, or post-meal, glucose levels by more than 30 percent⁷

And the next study published in the journal Pharmacological Research which tested 3,000 patients and also confirmed Berberine helps balance blood sugar levels and lower plasma lipids⁸

And the next which also confirmed Berberine wasn’t just a placebo as subjects in the study Treatment of high blood sugar and dyslipidemia with the natural plant alkaloid berberine’ who took Berberine decreased their blood sugar levels from 7.5 to 6.6.% whereas the placebo group saw changes of 7.6 to 7.3%.⁹

But those were just the tip of the iceberg! Study after study kept being conducted to truly prove the power of the Insulin Herb Berberine and...¹⁰

By 2020 Over 5000 Studies Were Done And All Confirmed “The Insulin Herb Berberine Has The Amazing Effect Of Reducing Blood Sugar”

Now that leading scientists knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Berberine was extremely effective at naturally lowering blood sugar levels, the next question on their mind became… has the amazing power to regulate, balance and normalize blood sugar to healthy levels.

“What exactly is making berberine the amazing herb?”

After all:

If Berberine is just a natural herb found inside common plants, what gives it so much power?

There had to be something Berberine was doing to the human body that allowed it to naturally burn away sugar and balance blood sugar levels.

But what was it?

This became the new obsession for scientists. And after holding a microscope to Berberine and the way it worked, scientists finally landed on their BIG breakthrough.

They discovered…

The Secret To Berberine’s Healing Powers Is It Activates The Body’s Natural Ability To Lower Blood Sugar Levels

But not only that, it does it in a “fool-proof” way so your body has no choice but to balance its blood sugar levels.

I know this sounds hard to believe, so let me let you in on your body’s natural power to manage blood sugar levels.

If you’re like most folks with Elevated Blood Sugar, you probably already know about insulin and how it’s job is to use the sugar inside the foods you eat as energy, so your blood sugar levels are kept within a healthy range.

This process of burning sugar as energy is your body’s natural way of balancing blood sugar levels.

But the problem is…

When you have high blood sugar, there’s not enough insulin being produced by your pancreas so instead of sugar being burned off as energy -- it sticks to your cells, which in return, leads to high blood sugar levels.

With me so far?

It’s this “lack of insulin” that creates high blood sugar levels.

But what leading scientists discovered after taking a closer look at the power of Berberine is…

It doesn’t have to stay this way.

You see…

Once scientists took a microscope to Berberine, they quickly discovered Berberine wasn’t just your ordinary herb.

It’s a very powerful herb that produces the exact same effects as insulin. Just like how insulin signals your body to burn sugar as energy, Berberine does the exact same thing.

It’s for this reason scientists stopped calling Berberine a general herb and instead gave it the name “INSULIN HERB” because of its ability...

… to “mimic” insulin and take advantage of your body’s natural power to manage blood sugar levels!

But How Exactly Does Berberine Work?

You already know Berberine works in the exact same way as Insulin, but how exactly does the process work…

… and why do scientists consider it a fool-proof method for naturally lowering blood sugar levels?

The way Berberine takes advantage of your body’s natural power to manage blood sugar levels is by activating the enzyme AMPK (Adenosine Monophosphate-Activated Protein Kinase). ¹⁰

This enzyme is also known as the Master Metabolic Switch and controls your natural metabolism and whether your body burns sugar for energy or stores it as fat.

When it’s turned ON, insulin properties are activated and your body starts burning sugar for energy, leading to the natural balance of blood sugar levels (this is what your body is naturally designed to do).

On the other hand…

When it’s turned OFF, insulin properties are stunted which means your body stores sugar as fat, leading to high blood sugar levels.

As you can see…

The difference between EASILY managing your blood sugar levels and STRUGGLING ENDLESSLY simply comes down to whether your body’s natural power to manage blood sugar levels is turned ON or OFF.

The bad news?

Most people who are suffering from…

Impaired Glucose Tolerance

Unmanageable blood sugar levels

Elevated blood sugar after heavy meals

Are simply the victims of having their natural power to manage blood sugar levels turned OFF.

But the good news is it doesn’t have to stay this way thanks to the Insulin Herb Berberine!

That’s because…

Berberine instantly turns ON your body’s natural power to balance blood sugar levels (the same way insulin does) by activating AMPK.

How Exactly Does Berberine
Activate AMPK

Berberine activates AMPK the same way most meds do.

Once ingested, it gets absorbed into the bloodstream.

Once absorbed, it moves into your cells.

Inside the cells, it kick starts your body’s natural power to balance blood sugar levels by changing AMPK’s function from “OFF” to “ON”.

Once AMPK is turned on, your body experiences the same effects of Insulin and starts burning sugar as energy instead of storing it as fat.

Once your body starts burning sugar for energy, no longer can sugar fuse with any of your blood cells - which means your blood sugar levels effortlessly and naturally balance themselves and stay in check.

As illustrated in the diagram above, Berberine works in very similar ways to most meds - thus explaining it’s powerful benefits.

What Can You Expect By Taking Berberine?

We make sure our customers love their product or we will refund 100% of their investment. We’re so confident you’ll enjoy Berberine that we’ll bear all the risk.

Regulated blood sugar

Protection from viruses

Reduced inflammation

Weight loss, including a reduction in waist-to-hip ratio in women

Improve cholesterol and triglyceride levels

Stronger immune health¹¹

Regulated blood sugar

Protection from viruses

Reduced inflammation

Weight loss, including a reduction in waist-to-hip ratio in women

Improve cholesterol and triglyceride levels

Stronger immune health¹¹

Look At The Study Of 116 Patients Who Lowered Blood Sugar By 20% With Just 1g Of Berberine

A recent study titled ‘Treatment of High Blood Sugar and dyslipidemia with the natural plant alkaloid berberine’ evaluated the efficacy and safety of berberine in the treatment of Impaired Glucose Tolerance.

This study lasted 3-months and 116 patients with elevated blood sugar were randomly allocated to receive 1g of berberine (or placebo) for 3 months.

By the end of the study researchers discovered berberine lowered fasting and blood sugar levels from 7.0 to to 5.6. ¹²

That’s a 20% reduction!

In addition, they also noticed a strong reduction in both body fat and cholesterol levels which led them to conclude Berberine is effective and safe in the treatment of people with high blood sugar!

Berberine Does Not Contain ANY Of The Side Effects That Come With Meds

Most meds for high blood sugar tend to do more harm than good. Not only do they taste bad and are hard to get down...

But they also come with a long laundry list of side effects that interfere with your ability to live a healthy, long, productive life.

Side Effects Such As…

Physical weakness (asthenia)



Symptoms of weakness, muscle pain

Upper respiratory tract infection

Abdominal pain



Chest discomfort

Chills, dizziness



The good news?

Since Berberine is an all natural chemical found inside plants, there’s no risk for experiencing major side effects or any side effects for that matter.

It’s 100% natural and safe.¹⁴

It’s Why Scientists Are Calling Berberine “The Next BIG Thing In Blood Sugar Regulation”?

Due to it’s all natural properties and proven nature, Berberine is quickly being used by many people (just like you) to naturally lower blood sugar levels without having to rely on regular medication.

This means no more expensive meds, no more side effects, no more ill-tasting prescriptions.

Instead Berberine delivers quick reduction in blood sugar levels without compromising your ability to enjoy life.

So If You’re Looking For An All Natural Solution For Lowering Your Blood Sugar Levels, You Can Count On Berberine!

It’s fast-working nature will quickly activate AMPK, turn on your body’s natural powers and push your body into sugar burning mode - so no longer will you have to experience elevated blood sugar levels.

And best of all?

All this will happen naturally, safely and without any of the drawbacks that come with most meds.

But There Is One BIG Problem With Most Off-The-Shelf Berberine

As powerful as the Berberine plant is for lowering blood sugar levels, burning away unwanted fat, and strengthening your immune health - it does come with one major problem.

What’s the problem?

A study in 2011 titled ‘Bioavailability Study of Berberine and the Enhancing Effects of TPGS on Intestinal Absorption in Rats’ discovered that Berberine is poorly absorbed by the body - making bioavailability a HUGE issue.

What’s bioavailability?

It’s the amount of substance that actually enters your bloodstream and your cells can work with. The higher the number, the greater the absorption and the more benefits you’ll experience.

But in Berberine’s case…

It comes with a very low absolute bioavailability of just 0.68%.¹⁵

In other words, due to the low absorption rate, most Berberine products off the shelf are just a waste of money because enough Berberine doesn’t even reach your bloodstream to be effective.

So what does this mean?

Does it mean that you cannot enjoy the full powers of Berberine and naturally lower your blood sugar levels?

Not exactly!

It means before you go out searching for Berberine, you have to make sure it passes 3 simple tests. If these tests are passed, you can rest assured knowing you’ll enjoy the full powers of Berberine. If these tests aren’t passed, you’ll know you’re just wasting your money.

So what are the 3 tests?

To Unlock The Full Powers Of Berberine, It Needs To Pass These 3 Tests:

The first is the test of bioavailability.

Like previously stated, the biggest issue with off-the-shelf berberines is they are not easily absorbed by the body.

As a result, the first thing you should look for is to see if Berberine is the single ingredient (in this case it’s not going to be effective)...

...or if it’s been enhanced with another ingredient.

What ingredient, in particular, should you look for?Look to see if Berberine has been combined with Milk Thistle.

What’s Milk Thistle?

A flowering herb which belongs to the daisy and ragweed family. It’s often called the Holy Thistle because it has a long history of treating liver problems, lowering cholesterol, lowering inflammation.

But the real reason you want your Berberine enhanced with Milk Thistle is because its main active ingredient is Silymarin which has been scientifically proven to enhance the absorption of Berberine and increase bioavailability - which means it unlocks the full powers of Berberine!¹⁶

That’s Test #1

The next test you want to conduct is the “natural test”.

Put simply:

The more natural the Berberine is, the easier it is for the body to absorb.

The issue?

Most off-the-shelf berberines are full of artificial excipients which make it difficult for the body to absorb berberine.

What kind of artificial excipients?

You want to avoid Berberine with any of the following excipients: magnesium stearate, methyl crystalline cellulose (which is basically wood pulp), stearic acid, dicalcium phosphate and silicon dioxide (which is basically powdered glass).

All these additives are commonly included inside most Berberine products, but go on to damage your organs and prevent the absorption of Berberine -- so make sure to run the Berberine through the natural test.

That’s Test #2

What’s the last and final test?

The last test is the “Is it a good fit?” test.

This test measures whether Berberine will make for a good fit in your diet plan.

Why is this important?

If the berberine doesn’t align with your diet plan, then you can say goodbye to using it daily to lower your blood sugar levels.

That’s why you need to test to see if the Berberine is free of shellfish, eggs, fish, peanuts, milk, wheat, soy and tree nuts.

If it is, congrats… it’ll fit in most diet plans!

If not, save your money.

That’s Test #3

As you can see, finding a Berberine that passes all three tests is no easy feat.

Especially when you consider:

Most off-the-shelf berberines aren’t enhanced with Milk Thistle, are full of artificial additives, and don’t fit well with most diet plans.

So after uncovering the amazing powers of berberine…

… and also the major drawbacks of most berberine off-the-shelf products...

Our team at EzyAbsorb set the goal to develop the most powerful Berberine ever created.

One that would quickly and efficiently be absorbed by the body and start balancing your blood sugar levels naturally -- without containing any artificial excipients or ingredients that ruined your diet plans.

Months and months of effort went into the process, before we found our winning formula.

A groundbreaking formula we call…

“Berberine w/ Milk Thistle”The Most Bioavailable Berberine You Can Buy

Unlike 99% of the berberine products out there that are poorly absorbed by the body, you can now benefit from the most bioavailable berberine and truly start putting the powers of berberine to work for you.

This enhancement in absorption and bioavailability is all thanks to our unique combination of Berberine w/ Milk Thistle and it’s what truly sets our Berberine apart.

But that’s not all...

Unlike Most Berberine Products, Our Berberine Passes All 3 Tests

It’s free of magnesium stearate, methyl crystalline cellulose (which is basically wood pulp), stearic acid, dicalcium phosphate and silicon dioxide (which is basically powdered glass).

Plus it doesn’t contain any shellfish, eggs, fish, peanuts, milk, wheat, soy and tree nuts - so it’ll fit in your diet plan!

This means...

With Just 1 Dose A Day, You Can Now Enjoy The FULL Healing Powers Of Berberine

Each bottle contains a 30-Day supply (60 capsules). Recommended intake is 1000 mg a day (each capsule contains 500 mg). Take 1 capsule two times a day before or after a meal.

Once you do, you’ll quickly experience for yourself (just like the hundreds of customers have already done) why Berberine is one of the most powerful natural supplements on earth!


This is a game-changer!!!!

Where do I begin? Firstly, my husband & I began the Keto Diet January 15, 2019. I was "Pre-Diabetic" and Insulin Resistant. The Keto Diet & Intermittent Fasting was helping lower my blood sugar, but the results were slow due to my fatty liver problems (from Estrogen Dominance).

Once I began using this Berberine, (1000 mgs per day), I noticed a difference almost immediately! Within a few days, my clothes were fitting looser. My blood sugar levels went down drastically. I stopped craving carbohydrates and was able to stick to my Intermittent Fasting much easier!

I like this brand because it does not contain unhealthy fillers such as Silicon Dioxide (which is basically powdered glass), methyl crystalline cellulose (which is basically wood pulp). These additives damage your organs and they also prevent the absorption of the supplement by clogging up your cells!

Cheryl L Young

This supplement works!!

I have been taking Berberine to help lower my A1-C. I'm not that high, 5.6 but since diabetes runs in my family I want to keep it as low as I can. Since taking the Berberine, my A1-C has gone down to 5.5. I have ordered some for my mother that has a 8.4 A1-C and she has noticed her daily sugar is lower than it has ever been. I am anxious to see what her results will be when she goes back for blood work.

Laura Beth

Great alternative to Metformin.

I suffer from PCOS and Metformin made me ill. Berberine has lowered my blood sugar levels without any ill effects.

Keep In Mind: You Can Enjoy The Full Powers Of Berberine With 100% Peace Of Mind Because It’s Backed By Doctors And Perfectly Safe

“I highly recommend Berberine with Milk Thistle, especially to my friends who want to rely less on medications. It’s an amazing all-natural solution to manage high blood sugar, plus it provides a range of benefits to the body.”

Dr. Helen Okoye, MD, MBA, MS-Epi

“Berberine solutions for blood sugar is an exciting new field of medicine, and Berberine w/ Milk Thistle is an excellent product in this field to help patients manage high blood sugar effectively.”

Dr. Chai Lee, MD

All Orders Are One-Time Purchases Only. Choose Your Option Below

Rest assured that all orders made on this page are one-time purchases. This means that you will not be charged again for subsequent months. There will not be any recurring billing or hidden charges. When you are ready to order, you can purchase again from our website.

Starter Pack/Value Pack

(3 Month Supply)


$69.90 ($23.20 Per Month)



Single Bottle (1 Month Supply)





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Order With No Risk With Our 100%
Money-Back Guarantee

Here at EzyAbsorb, we make sure our customers love their product or we will refund 100% of their investment. We’re so confident you’ll enjoy EzyAbsorb Berberine W/ Milk Thistle that we’ll bear all the risk.

Free Expedited Shipping For 3 Bottles Or More (2-7 Days In The US)

No one likes waiting 21 days or more for their parcel. That's why we've given free expedited shipping on our dime, all so you get to try our products before the week ends.

90-Day, Empty Bottle, 100% Guarantee

Enjoy EzyAbsorb Berberine W/ Milk Thistle for the next 90 days and if you don’t love the experience, let us know and we’ll make it right for you.

Risk-Free Returns & Shipping

Should you decide that you don’t enjoy EzyAbsorb Berberine W/ Milk Thistle, send it back to us and you’ll get a full refund.

Try EzyAbsorb Berberine W/ Milk Thistle

Put Berberine To Work Today And Naturally Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels

Each bottle contains a 30-Day supply (60 capsules). Recommended intake is 1000 mg a day (each capsule contains 500 mg). Take 1 capsule two times a day before or after a meal.

Buy Single Bottle

1 Month Supply


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3 Month Supply

$69.90 (Save 22%)

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1 Month Supply
Retail: $67
Instant Savings: $18
Per Bottle
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Starter Pack/Value Pack

(3 Month Supply)
($23.20 Per Month)
Single Bottle (1 Month Supply)
FREE Express Shipping in US worth $9.95 (3-7 Days)
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2 Bottles
Retail: $134
Instant Savings: $44
Per Bottle
($90 for 2 Bottles)

Read The Top Questions Customers Had Asked Before Ordering Berberine w/ Milk Thistle

Click on the questions below to see the answers.

1) When can I expect results with Berberine w/ Milk Thistle?
Everyone’s body is unique so individual results may vary. While some customers started seeing early results in as early as 2 weeks, it typically takes up to 4 to 12 weeks for the Berberine to kickstart glycolysis and the lowering of blood sugar levels.
This is why we recommend trying Berberine w/ Milk Thistle for 3 months in order to enjoy the benefits.
However, within the first few consumptions, most customers tend to experience:
  • Greater energy
  • Reduction in weight
  • Less inflammatory pain in places like joints
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2) Does Berberine w/ Milk Thistle have any side effects?
Berberine w/ Milk Thistle is not known to have any major side effects.
Berberine w/ Milk Thistle is made using high quality, natural ingredients and has been tested safe for consumption. It was formulated to be stimulant-free, which makes it ideal for long-term consumption.
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3) Does Berberine with Milk Thistle contain gluten, soy, peanuts, shellfish or any other allergens?
No. Berberine with Milk Thistle does not contain any of these mentioned ingredients or allergens. Because of that, it fits into most diets like vegan, keto, paleo and kosher.
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4) Can I take Berberine with metformin?
Berberine w/ Milk Thistle is a dietary supplement and can be taken on top of metformin, a first line drug therapy.
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5) How does Berberine w/ Milk Thistle help regular blood sugar?
Berberine works to activate the enzyme AMPK - which is known as the Master Metabolic Switch. Once this switch is turned on, the body starts burning sugar for energy. As sugar is burned for energy, no longer does it bind to your cells - resulting in the natural reduction of blood sugar levels.
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6) Why is Berberine enhanced with Milk Thistle?
The major problem with Berberine is low bioavailability. Enhancing berberine with milk thistle is a proven and natural way to enhance bioavailability and increase absorption - so you can enjoy the full health benefits of Berberine.
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7) I’m pre-diabetic. Can I take Berberine with Milk Thistle to manage my blood sugar?
Yes, many of our customers who are pre-diabetic are using Berberine with Milk Thistle as a first line defense to regular blood sugar with great success.
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8) Will Berberine w/ Milk Thistle work for me if I’m not dieting or working out?
Yes, several of our customers who suffered joint pain or didn’t have time to work out were able to lower their blood sugar levels and blood glucose with Berberine.
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9) Is this a one-time purchase?
Yes, rest assured that all orders on this page are one-time purchases.
This means that you won’t be charged again in the subsequent months. There will not be any automatic recurring billing or hidden charges.
Once you select your bottles, you’ll be brought to the checkout page where you can choose to pay by credit card or Paypal.
If you select the Paypal option, you will be brought to the Paypal payment page.
Paypal may show a default “billing agreement” statement (which we’re unable to tweak).
But don’t worry, there won’t be any hidden charges. It will only be billed once according to what you have purchased.
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10) Do you ship worldwide (eg. Canada, New Zealand)? What are the shipping charges?
Yes we do! We ship worldwide.
For orders outside the US, the shipping cost depends on the weight of your order and the updated shipping fee will be shown at checkout.
For orders in the US, we offer free shipping for orders of 3 bottles or more.
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11) What currency are the prices in?
All prices shown are in United States Dollar (USD), but you can purchase outside the US as we ship worldwide.
If you're using non-US currencies, the conversion will be done by your bank or payment provider and they will advise in your currency.
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11) When can I expect my shipment of Berberine w/ Milk Thistle?
Your order will be sent out from our shipment center in Colorado, USA.
Below are the estimated delivery timings.
Expedited Shipping: 2 to 7 business days for orders within the USFree Regular Shipping: 5 to 18 business days for orders within the US
You will also receive an email receipt and confirmation from us in your email inbox.
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Try EzyAbsorb Berberine W/ Milk Thistle